

              • “不忘初心、牢記使命”主題教育

                the campaign to raise the awareness of staying true to the original aspiration and upholding the founding mission of the Party
              • ?“兩個(gè)一百年”歷史交匯點(diǎn)

                a new period in which the timeframes of the Two Centenary Goals converge
              • ?“一國兩制”完全行得通、辦得到、得人心。

                The principle of "one country, two systems" is fully applicable, achievable, and popular.
              • ?2035年遠景目標

                long-range goals for 2035
              • 安不忘危、存不忘亡、樂(lè )不忘憂(yōu)

                to be prepared for danger in times of peace, think of potential problems in times of calm, and consider the risk of adversity when enjoying security
              • ?把加強頂層設計和堅持問(wèn)計于民統一起來(lái)

                to strengthen top-level design, and at the same time ask the people for advice
              • ?把人民擁護不擁護、贊成不贊成、高興不高興、答應不答應作為衡量一切工作得失的根本標準。

                We must ensure that the basic criterion in judging our work is whether we have the people's support, acceptance, satisfaction and approval.
              • 百年大黨

                a major party with a 100-year history
              • 補齊民生短板

                to strengthen areas of weakness concerning people's wellbeing
              • ?產(chǎn)業(yè)工人隊伍

                industrial workers
              • ?初心和使命是我們走好新時(shí)代長(cháng)征路的不竭動(dòng)力。

                Our original aspiration and mission are an inexhaustible source of motivation during our Long March of the new era.
              • ?初心如磐、使命在肩

                to keep the original aspiration and founding mission in mind at all times
              • ?從群眾中來(lái)、到群眾中去

                from the people and to the people
              • ?促進(jìn)社會(huì )公平正義

                to promote social fairness and justice
              • ?當今世界正經(jīng)歷百年未有之大變局

                The world is undergoing momentous changes of a scale unseen in a century.
              • ?黨的先進(jìn)性和純潔性

                the Party's pioneering and wholesome nature
              • ?黨的自我革命

                the self-reform of the Party
              • ?黨領(lǐng)導人民制定憲法和法律

                The Constitution and laws are adopted by the people under the leadership of the Party.
              • ?黨是我們各項事業(yè)的領(lǐng)導核心

                The Party is the core leadership in all our undertakings.
              • ?對照檢查、檢視剖析、反躬自省

                to engage in self-examination and reflection
              • ?多元一體、交織交融的融洽民族關(guān)系

                harmonious relationships between 56 diverse, interlinked ethnic groups
              • 防控工作取得的成效,再次彰顯了中國共產(chǎn)黨領(lǐng)導和中國特色社會(huì )主義制度的顯著(zhù)優(yōu)勢。

                The success of prevention and control once again demonstrates the remarkable strengths of the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.
              • ?防止重“形”不重“效”

                We should stop emphasizing pointless "form" rather than "efficiency".
              • ?富強民主文明和諧美麗的社會(huì )主義現代化強國

                a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful
              • ?敢字為先、干字當頭

                to be courageous and pragmatic
              • 高素質(zhì)勞動(dòng)大軍

                a high-caliber workforce
              • ?各級黨委和政府必須堅決服從黨中央統一指揮、統一協(xié)調、統一調度,做到令行禁止。

                Party committees and governments at all levels must follow the unified CPC Central Committee's commands, coordination, and arrangements, and ensure all orders and prohibitions are carried without fail.
              • ?公正用權、依法用權、廉潔用權

                The power is exercised in a fair, law-based and clean manner.
              • ?國家榮譽(yù)稱(chēng)號獎?wù)?/p> the Medal of the Highest Honor of the Country

              • ?基層黨組織和基層政權建設

                to improve Party organizations and consolidate government at the primary level
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