

              • ?摒棄意識形態(tài)爭論

                to rise above ideological disputes
              • ?不搞例外主義,不搞雙重標準。

                There must be no practice of exceptionalism or double standards.
              • ?不能歪曲國際法,以法治之名侵害他國正當權益、破壞國際和平穩定。

                Nor should international law be distorted and used as a pretext to undermine other countries' legitimate rights and interests, or world peace and stability.
              • ?不追求一枝獨秀,不搞你輸我贏(yíng)。

                Do not seek development only for ourselves, or engage in a zero-sum game.
              • ?大國更應該帶頭做國際法治的倡導者和維護者,遵信守諾。

                Major countries should lead by example in advocating and upholding international rule of law and in honoring their commitments.
              • ?單邊主義沒(méi)有出路。

                Unilateralism is a dead end.
              • ?當前形勢下,我們要堅定不移構建開(kāi)放型世界經(jīng)濟,維護以世界貿易組織為核心的多邊貿易體制,反對濫用國家安全之名行保護主義之實(shí)。

                In the current situation, we need to stand firm for building an open world economy. We need to uphold the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core and reject abuses of "national security" for protectionist purposes.
              • ?第三期中國-聯(lián)合國糧農組織南南合作信托基金

                China-FAO South-South Cooperation Trust Fund (Phase III)
              • ?反對干涉內政,反對單邊制裁和“長(cháng)臂管轄”

                to oppose interference in others' internal affairs, as well as unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction
              • ?更不能在世界上我行我素,搞霸權、霸凌、霸道。

                Far less should any one country be allowed to do what it pleases, or abuse and order the rest of the world around as a hegemon.
              • ?構建人文共同體

                to build a community of cultural exchange
              • ?合作共治的共同開(kāi)放

                mutual opening up based on shared governance
              • ?和平、安全、開(kāi)放、合作、有序的網(wǎng)絡(luò )空間

                peaceful, secure, open, cooperative and orderly cyberspace
              • ?開(kāi)放、公平、公正、非歧視的數字發(fā)展環(huán)境

                open, fair, just and nondiscriminatory environment for building the digital economy
              • ?跨越文明沖突陷阱

                do not fall into the trap of "clash of civilizations"
              • ?聯(lián)合國全球地理信息知識與創(chuàng )新中心和可持續發(fā)展大數據國際研究中心

                UN Global Geospatial Knowledge and Innovation Center and International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals
              • ?面對多邊和單邊、公道和霸道之爭,金磚國家要堅定維護國際公平正義,高舉多邊主義旗幟,捍衛聯(lián)合國憲章宗旨和原則,維護以聯(lián)合國為核心的國際體系,維護以國際法為基礎的國際秩序。

                Facing the choice between multilateralism and unilateralism, and between justice and hegemony, we BRICS countries must stand up for equity and justice. We must uphold multilateralism, and defend the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. We must endeavor to safeguard the UN-centered international system and the international order underpinned by international law.
              • 凝聚全球共識,動(dòng)員全球資源,協(xié)調全球行動(dòng)

                to build global consensus, mobilize global resources, and coordinate global actions
              • 全球數據安全倡議

                Global Initiative on Data Security
              • 讓我們高舉“上海精神”旗幟,精誠合作、砥礪前行,推動(dòng)本組織得到更大發(fā)展,構建更加緊密的命運共同體!

                Let us uphold the Shanghai Spirit, forge ahead with close cooperation, strive for the better development of our Organization, and build a stronger community of shared future for us all.
              • ?人類(lèi)是命運共同體,團結合作是戰勝疫情最有力的武器。

                Humankind is a community with a shared future. Solidarity and cooperation are our most powerful weapons for defeating the virus.
              • ?任何國家都沒(méi)有包攬國際事務(wù)、主宰他國命運、壟斷發(fā)展優(yōu)勢的權力

                No country has the right to dominate global affairs, control the destiny of others, or keep development opportunities all to itself.
              • ?上海合作組織民間友好論壇

                SCO non-governmental friendship forum
              • ?樹(shù)立大家庭和合作共贏(yíng)理念

                to see each other as members of the same big family, and pursue win-win cooperation
              • ?跳出小圈子和零和博弈思維

                to reject attempts to build blocs to keep others out and oppose a zero-sum approach
              • ?文明沒(méi)有優(yōu)劣之分,只有特色之別。

                Every civilization is distinct and none is superior to others.
              • ?我們將履行承諾,向其他發(fā)展中國家提供幫助和支持,努力讓疫苗成為各國人民用得上、用得起的公共產(chǎn)品。

                We will honor our commitment to give assistance and support to other developing countries, and work to make vaccines a global public good, accessible and affordable to people throughout the world.
              • 我們絕不會(huì )走歷史回頭路,不會(huì )謀求“脫鉤”或是搞封閉排他的“小圈子”。

                We will not reverse course or run against the historical trend by "decoupling" or forming a closed circle to keep others out.
              • ?我們要為人民福祉著(zhù)想,秉持人類(lèi)命運共同體理念,用實(shí)際行動(dòng)為建設美好世界作出應有貢獻。

                We must keep people's welfare close to heart and pursue the vision of a global community with a shared future. Through concrete actions, we will contribute our share to making the world a better place for everyone.
              • ?我們要在協(xié)商一致基礎上推進(jìn)務(wù)實(shí)合作,妥善處理矛盾和分歧,維護亞太合作正確方向,讓亞太經(jīng)合組織行穩致遠。

                It is important that we in APEC advance practical cooperation on the basis of consensus, properly manage differences and disagreements, and keep Asia-Pacific cooperation on a solid footing to ensure sound development in the long run.
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