

              • ?愛(ài)國衛生運動(dòng)

                patriotic health campaigns
              • ?安全、有效、方便、價(jià)廉的公共衛生和基本醫療服務(wù)

                safe, effective, convenient and affordable public health and basic medical services
              • ?把生物安全作為國家總體安全的重要組成部分

                Biosafety should be regarded as an important part of overall national security.
              • 城鄉三級醫療服務(wù)網(wǎng)絡(luò )

                the three-tiered medical service network in urban and rural areas
              • ?公共衛生法律法規

                to improve public health laws and regulations
              • ?公共衛生服務(wù)體系

                the public health service system
              • ?疾控機構和城鄉社區聯(lián)動(dòng)工作機制

                the mechanism to link disease control institutions and urban and rural communities
              • ?疾控人才隊伍建設

                training of disease-control specialists
              • ?加大衛生健康領(lǐng)域科技投入

                to increase investment in science and technology for improving health
              • ?加強公共衛生隊伍建設和基層防控能力建設

                to train public health workers, and improve prevention and control at grassroots
              • ?堅持預防為主的衛生與健康工作方針

                to adhere to the health policy of putting prevention first
              • ?建立公共衛生機構和醫療機構協(xié)同監測機制

                to establish a cooperative monitoring mechanism between public health institutions and medical institutions
              • ?健全國家應急管理體系

                to improve our emergency management system
              • ?強化提高人民健康水平的制度保障

                to strengthen the institutional guarantee for improving public health
              • ?區域公共衛生應急聯(lián)絡(luò )機制

                regional emergency liaison mechanisms
              • ?全面推進(jìn)健康中國建設

                to comprehensively build a healthy China
              • ?突發(fā)公共衛生事件應對預案體系

                the system of response planning for public health emergencies
              • ?新時(shí)代黨的衛生健康工作方針

                the Party's health policy in the new era
              • ?醫療服務(wù)體系、醫療保障體系、藥品供應保障體系以及重大疫情防控與應急管理體系

                systems to run public health services, medical security, drug supply security, major epidemic prevention and control, and emergency management
              • ?應急物資保障體系

                the system for providing emergency response supplies
              • ?優(yōu)化完善疾病預防控制機構職能設置

                to optimize the functions of disease prevention and control institutions
              • ?中藥審評審批機制

                the examination and approval mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine
              • ?中醫藥服務(wù)體系

                the Traditional Chinese Medicine service system
              • ?中醫藥特色人才建設

                to train specialists in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine
              • ?重大疾病醫療保險和救助制度

                the medical insurance and medical aid systems for major diseases
              • 把人民生命安全和身體健康擺在第一位

                to put people's lives and health first
              • ?把醫療救治工作擺在第一位

                Treatment of patients remains the top priority.
              • ?病毒沒(méi)有國界,疫病不分種族。

                The virus does not respect borders, race or nationality.
              • ?不遺漏一個(gè)感染者,不放棄一位患者。

                No case should be missed and no patient should be left untreated.
              • ?打贏(yíng)疫情防控這場(chǎng)人民戰爭,必須緊緊依靠人民群眾。

                To win the people’s war of epidemic prevention and control, we must rely closely on the people.
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