

              • ?大規模核酸檢測

                large-scale nucleic acid testing
              • ?多條技術(shù)路線(xiàn)研發(fā)疫苗

                to develop vaccines through multiple technical channels
              • ?遏制疫情蔓延勢頭

                to stem the spread of the virus
              • ?發(fā)揮科技在重大疫情防控中的支撐作用

                to give full play to the supporting role of science and technology in the prevention and control of major epidemics
              • ?關(guān)鍵物資生產(chǎn)能力

                production capacity for key supplies
              • ?毫無(wú)保留同各方分享防控和救治經(jīng)驗

                to share control and treatment experience without reservation
              • ?核酸檢測試劑盒

                nucleic acid test kits
              • ?患者康復和隔離群眾的心理疏導

                to help patients recover and give guidance to isolated people
              • ?積極參與病毒溯源和傳播途徑全球科學(xué)研究

                to actively participate in global research on tracing the source and transmission routes of the virus
              • ?加強藥物、醫療裝備研發(fā)和臨床救治相結合

                to combine the use of drugs, clinical treatment, and research and development of medical equipment
              • ?健康包

                health kits
              • ?健康碼國際互認機制

                global mechanism for mutual recognition of health certificates
              • ?開(kāi)展藥物和疫苗聯(lián)合研發(fā)

                to conduct joint research and development of drugs and vaccines
              • ?科學(xué)調配醫療力量和重要物資

                to deploy medical expertise and critical supplies to the places where they are most needed
              • ?全國新冠肺炎診療方案

                the National Diagnosis and Treatment Plan
              • ?全國疫情信息發(fā)布機制

                a national epidemic information release mechanism
              • ?全球和地區防疫物資儲備中心

                global and regional centers of reserve anti-epidemic supplies
              • ?全球抗疫物資供應鏈

                global anti-epidemic supply chains
              • ?三藥三方(清肺排毒湯、化濕敗毒方、宣肺敗毒方、金花清感顆粒、連花清瘟膠囊、血必凈注射液)

                Jinhua Qinggan Granules, Lianhua Qingwen Capsules/Granules, Xuebijing Injection, Lung Cleansing and Detoxifying Preparation, Dampness Resolving and Detoxifying Preparation, and Lung Diffusing and Detoxifying Preparation
              • ?社區防控網(wǎng)格化管理

                grid-based management of prevention and control efforts in local communities
              • ?調集一切資源,科學(xué)防治,精準施策

                to mobilize all resources to make a science-based and targeted response
              • ?衛生應急知識宣教

                health emergency education
              • ?以企業(yè)為主體、產(chǎn)學(xué)研相結合的疫苗研發(fā)和產(chǎn)業(yè)化體系

                a system driven by enterprises and supported by universities and research institutions
              • ?運用法治思維和法治方式開(kāi)展疫情防控工作

                to keep the rule of law in mind when working on epidemic prevention and control
              • ?重大疫情防控救治體系

                the prevention and treatment system of major epidemics
              • 醫護人員專(zhuān)用通道

                entrance/corridor for medical staff
              • 疫區

                affected area
              • 應急醫院

                improvised hospital
              • 醫療從業(yè)者

                medical practitioner; health professional
              • 一線(xiàn)醫護人員

                frontline health workers
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