

              • 方艙醫院

                temporary treatment centers; Fangcang shelter hospitals
              • 醫療人員

                medical personnel/workers; health workforce; health workers
              • 醫務(wù)工作者是光明的使者、希望的使者,是最美的天使,是真正的英雄

                Medical workers are symbols of brightness and hope, the most beautiful angels and real heroes.
              • 半污染區

                partially contaminated area; semi-contaminated area
              • 病人專(zhuān)用通道

                entrance/corridor for patients
              • 定點(diǎn)醫院

                designated hospitals
              • 發(fā)熱門(mén)診

                fever clinic
              • 雷神山醫院

                Leishenshan Hospital (in Wuhan)
              • 普通病區

                general ward
              • 藥店

                pharmacy; drugstore
              • 負壓房間

                negative pressure room
              • 感染控制、檢驗、特診、放射診斷科室

                ?infection control, clinical laboratory, special service and radiodiagnosis departments
              • 隔離病房

                isolation ward
              • 火神山醫院

                Huoshenshan Hospital (in Wuhan)
              • 檢疫區

                quarantine area
              • 檢疫所

                quarantine office
              • 臨時(shí)醫院

                ?improvised hospital
              • 清潔區

                clean area
              • 污染區

                contaminated area
              • 重癥病區

                ?special ward (for patients with severe conditions)
              • 重癥監護病房/重癥監護病區

                intensive care unit (ICU)
              • 感染控制和流行病學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè)人員協(xié)會(huì )

                Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC)
              • 冠狀病毒工作組

                Coronavirus Study Group (CSG)
              • 國際病毒分類(lèi)委員會(huì )

                International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV)
              • 醫療機構

                medical institution
              • 武漢病毒所

                Wuhan Institute of Virology
              • 衛生機構

                health institution
              • 吉利德科學(xué)公司

                Gilead Sciences
              • 中國人民解放軍軍事醫學(xué)科學(xué)院

                Academy of Military Medical Sciences
              • 易感人群

                susceptible/vulnerable population
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