

              • 流行病學(xué)調查(流調)

                ?epidemiological investigation
              • 密切接觸者

                close contact
              • 磨玻璃影

                ground-glass opacities
              • 確診病例

                confirmed cases
              • 腎功能

                renal function
              • 試劑

              • 神經(jīng)系統

                nervous system
              • 散在病例/散發(fā)病例

                sporadic cases
              • 輸入性病例:境外輸入病例、來(lái)自國內其他城市或省份的輸入病例

                infected arrivals from abroad; cases from other cities or provinces
              • 死亡率

                mortality rate
              • 宿主

              • 收治率

                patient admission rate
              • 特定傳染病

                specific infectious disease
              • 特異性抗體

                specific antibody
              • 體外膜肺氧合

                ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation)
              • 同情用藥

                compassionate use of a drug (to use a drug not yet approved under the compassionate use program)
              • 無(wú)癥狀感染者

                asymptomatic cases/infections; asymptomatic carriers
              • 消化系統

                digestive system
              • 新冠病毒檢測為陽(yáng)性/陰性

                to test positive/negative for the coronavirus
              • 疑似病例

                suspected cases
              • 乙類(lèi)傳染病

                Category B infectious diseases
              • 有效性和安全性研究

                safety and efficacy studies
              • 藥品和疫苗研發(fā)

                drug and vaccine development
              • 疫苗臨床試驗和上市使用

                clinical trial and application of vaccines
              • 疫苗

              • 新型冠狀病毒成功分離

                successful isolation of a novel coronavirus
              • 臨床試驗

                clinical trials
              • 臨床前研究

                preclinical research
              • 加強病毒溯源和傳播機理研究

                to strengthen research on the origin and transmission mechanism of the virus
              • 基因序列

                genetic sequence
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