

              • 基因結構

                genetic structure
              • 毒性試驗

                toxicity testing
              • 動(dòng)物試驗

                animal testing
              • 病毒分離

                virus isolation
              • 中醫治療

                TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) therapy
              • 中西醫結合/中西醫并用

                combined use of TCM and Western medicine
              • 智慧醫療

                smart medical care
              • 診斷、治療、追蹤和篩查

                diagnosis, treatment, tracing and screening
              • 診斷

              • 在線(xiàn)問(wèn)診

                online medical inquiries
              • 醫學(xué)觀(guān)察

                medical watch; medical observation
              • 血清診斷

              • 修訂診斷標準

                revision of diagnostic criteria
              • 心理疏導

                psychological counseling
              • 外科處置

                surgical treatment
              • 體溫檢測

                to take/check body temperature
              • 隨訪(fǎng)和復診

                follow-up and subsequent visits
              • 四抗二平衡:“四抗”,第一是抗病毒;第二是抗休克;第三是抗低氧血癥;第四是抗繼發(fā)感染。“二平衡”,即維持水電解質(zhì)、酸堿平衡以及維持微生態(tài)平衡。

                combined use of anti-viral, anti-shock, anti-hypoxemia medication, and measures to prevent secondary infections; to maintain the water and electrolyte balance, acid-base balance and microecological balance
              • 數字醫療服務(wù)

                digital medical services
              • 抗生素治療

                antibiotic therapy
              • 抗病毒治療

                antiviral therapy
              • 緊急救治

                emergency treatment
              • 檢測樣本

                test sample
              • 監測體溫

                to monitor body temperature
              • 恢復期血漿治療

                convalescent plasma therapy
              • 核酸檢測

                nucleic acid testing (NAT)
              • 隔離治療

                to receive treatment in isolation
              • 隔空診療

                online diagnosis and treatment
              • IgM抗體檢測

                IgM antibody test
              • 職業(yè)暴露

                occupational exposure
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