

              • 中國共產(chǎn)黨與世界政黨高層對話(huà)會(huì )

                A meeting of high-level dialogue between the CPC and world political parties?
              • 中非全面戰略合作伙伴關(guān)系

                China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership
              • 發(fā)展中俄新時(shí)代全面戰略協(xié)作伙伴關(guān)系

                China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era
              • 譜寫(xiě)中拉全面合作伙伴關(guān)系新篇章

                China-LATAM comprehensive cooperative partnership
              • 共同打造中歐和平、增長(cháng)、改革、文明四大伙伴關(guān)系

                China-EU partnership of peace, growth, reform and civilization
              • 中德全方位戰略伙伴關(guān)系

                China-Germany all-round strategic partnership
              • 中國—中東歐國家合作

                Cooperation between China and central and eastern European countries
              • 中阿合作論壇

                China-Arab States Cooperation Forum
              • 中非合作論壇

                Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
              • 正確角色觀(guān)

                The correct perspective on China’s role
              • 正確大局觀(guān)

                The correct perspective on the overall situation
              • 正確歷史觀(guān)

                The correct historical perspective
              • 中拉命運共同體

                China-LATAM community with a shared future
              • 中非命運共同體

                China-Africa community with a shared future
              • “真、實(shí)、親、誠”理念

                The principle of sincerity, real results, affinity, and good faith
              • 正確義利觀(guān)

                To uphold justice while pursuing shared interests
              • 周邊命運共同體

                A neighborhood community with a shared future
              • 中國—東盟命運共同體

                China-ASEAN community with a shared future
              • “親、誠、惠、容”理念

                To build relations with neighboring countries based on amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness
              • 新型國際關(guān)系

                A new form of international relations
              • 和平發(fā)展道路

                Peaceful development
              • 中國特色大國外交

                Major-country diplomacy with distinctive Chinese features
              • 習近平外交思想

                Xi Jinping thought on foreign affairs
              • ?治理赤字

                deficit of governance
              • ?保護主義

              • 單邊主義

              • ?以聯(lián)合國為核心的國際體系

                the UN-centered international system
              • ?任何挑戰都擋不住中國前進(jìn)的步伐

                No challenge will hold back China's development.
              • 中國在原則問(wèn)題上決不讓步

                China will not give ground on issues of principle.
              • ?磋商要相向而行、誠信為本

                Consultation involves working toward the same goal in good faith.
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