

              • 人民代表大會(huì )制度

                the system of people's congresses
              • 中國特色社會(huì )主義根本制度、基本制度、重要制度

                the fundamental, basic and important systems of Chinese socialism
              • 全面從嚴治黨

                to practice/exercise strict self-governance in every respect
                to exercise full and strict governance over the Party
                to strengthen Party self-governance
                to strengthen Party self-discipline
              • 全面深化改革開(kāi)放

                to advance reform and opening up in all respects
              • 全面建設社會(huì )主義現代化國家

                to fully build a modern socialist country
                to build a modern socialist country in all respects
              • 新時(shí)代黨的強軍思想

                the CPC's (Party's) philosophy on strengthening the military for the new era
              • 中華民族偉大復興的中國夢(mèng)

                the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation
              • 黨的建設新的偉大工程

                the great new project of strengthening the Party
              • 具有許多新的歷史特點(diǎn)的偉大斗爭

                the great historic struggle with many new features
              • 偉大斗爭,偉大工程,偉大事業(yè),偉大夢(mèng)想

                the great struggle, the great project, the great cause and the great dream
              • 黨的基本理論、基本路線(xiàn)、基本方略

                the Party's underlying theories, basic guidelines, and fundamental principles
              • 黨的領(lǐng)導、人民當家作主、依法治國有機統一

                (to ensure that) the Party's leadership, the people's position as masters of the country, and law-based governance form an indivisible whole
              • 黨總攬全局、協(xié)調各方

                The Party exercises overall leadership and coordinates the efforts of all.
                The Party exercises overall leadership and coordinates work in all areas.
              • 黨的全面領(lǐng)導

                overall Party leadership
              • 中國特色社會(huì )主義最本質(zhì)的特征

                the defining feature of Chinese socialism
              • 新發(fā)展理念(創(chuàng )新、協(xié)調、綠色、開(kāi)放、共享的發(fā)展理念)

                new development philosophy
                vision/concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development
              • “四個(gè)全面”戰略布局

                Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy
              • “五位一體”總體布局

                Five-sphere Integrated Plan
              • “兩個(gè)一百年”奮斗目標

                Two Centenary Goals
              • 新時(shí)代中國特色社會(huì )主義思想

                Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
              • 健全規劃制定和落實(shí)機制

                Introducing sound mechanisms for formulating and implementing the Plan
              • 積極營(yíng)造良好外部環(huán)境

                Working for a favorable external environment
              • 推進(jìn)兩岸關(guān)系和平發(fā)展和祖國統一

                Promoting peaceful cross-Straits relations and national reunification
              • 保持香港、澳門(mén)長(cháng)期繁榮穩定

                Maintaining lasting prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao
              • 推進(jìn)社會(huì )主義政治建設

                Advancing socialist political progress
              • 加強黨中央集中統一領(lǐng)導

                Reinforcing the centralized, unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee
              • 促進(jìn)國防實(shí)力和經(jīng)濟實(shí)力同步提升

                Building up defense capability in step with economic strengths
              • 提高國防和軍隊現代化質(zhì)量效益

                Upgrading the quality and efficiency of defense and military modernization
              • 維護社會(huì )穩定和安全

                Ensuring social stability and public safety
              • 保障人民生命安全

                Protecting people's lives
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