

              • ?著(zhù)力固根基、揚優(yōu)勢、補短板、強弱項

                to solidify the foundation, leverage our strengths and tackle areas of weaknesses
              • 堅持和完善支撐中國特色社會(huì )主義制度的根本制度、基本制度、重要制度

                to uphold and improve the fundamental, basic and important systems that underpin the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics
              • 集中力量辦大事

                to concentrate strength for major undertakings
              • 國家治理體系和治理能力現代化

                to modernize the national governance system and capacity
              • 中華民族共有精神家園

                a sense of belonging for the Chinese nation
              • 高舉中華民族大團結的旗幟

                to uphold the great unity of the Chinese nation
              • 中華民族多元一體

                the unified multi-ethnic Chinese nation
              • ?中華民族偉大復興的前進(jìn)步伐勢不可擋

                The advance of the Chinese nation toward rejuvenation is unstoppable.
              • 中央應對新型冠狀病毒感染肺炎疫情工作領(lǐng)導小組(中央應對疫情工作領(lǐng)導小組)

                Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control under the CPC Central Committee (Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control)
              • “米袋子”省長(cháng)責任制和“菜籃子”市長(cháng)負責制

                systems of holding provincial governors accountable for grain supplies and city mayors for daily food supplies
              • 重大疫情防控體制機制

                mechanism for major epidemic prevention and control
              • 在斗爭一線(xiàn)考察識別干部

                to put officials to the test on the frontline
              • 疫情防控預警預測機制

                early warning and forecasting mechanism for epidemic prevention and control
              • 疫情防控國家重點(diǎn)醫療物資保障調度平臺

                national distribution center for major anti-epidemic medical supplies
              • 突出重點(diǎn)、統籌兼顧、分類(lèi)指導、分區施策

                to focus on key issues, strengthen coordination, give sector-specific guidance, and apply targeted policies to different areas
              • 啟動(dòng)重大突發(fā)公共衛生事件一級響應

                to activate first-level public health emergency response
              • 舉國機制

                nationwide mechanism
              • 加強領(lǐng)導能力、應對能力、組織動(dòng)員能力、貫徹執行能力

                to strengthen the ability to lead, respond, mobilize, and to execute orders
              • 國務(wù)院聯(lián)防聯(lián)控機制

                Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council
              • 國家疫苗儲備制度

                national vaccine reserve system
              • 國家生物安全風(fēng)險防控和治理體系建設

                to develop a national biosecurity risk control and management system
              • 國家公共衛生應急管理體系

                national public health emergency management system
              • 規范和完善信息發(fā)布機制

                to standardize and improve the information release mechanism
              • 對緊要關(guān)頭當“逃兵”的干部要就地免職

                to remove from their posts officials who abandon the frontline at critical moments
              • 中國力量、中國精神、中國效率

                China has demonstrated strength, character and efficiency in fighting against the epidemic.
              • 疫情就是命令,防控就是責任

                The epidemic calls us to action, and it is our duty to bring it under control.
                或 Go where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes.
              • 向疫情全面宣戰

                to declare an all-out war on the epidemic
              • 堅決打贏(yíng)疫情防控的人民戰爭、總體戰、阻擊戰

                be determined to fight and win the battle against the epidemic by mobilizing all resources, and blocking the spread of the virus
              • 堅定信心、同舟共濟、科學(xué)防治、精準施策

                to strengthen confidence and solidarity and take science-based and targeted measures
              • 堅持全國一盤(pán)棋

                to ensure a coordinated national response
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