

              • 新時(shí)代黨的建設總要求

                General guidelines for Party development in the new era
              • 保持戰略定力

                To maintain a strategic focus
              • 全面從嚴治黨

                To enforce strict Party self-governance
              • “九二共識”

                the 1992 Consensus
              • ?行政主導體制順暢運行

                smooth operation of the (Macao SAR) executive-led political system
              • “一國兩制”

                “one country, two systems”
              • 中國大陸

                the Chinese mainland / China’s mainland / mainland of China
              • ?憲法和基本法權威牢固樹(shù)立

                The authority of the Constitution and the Basic Law is firmly upheld in Macao.
              • ?"一國兩制"、"港人治港"、"澳人治澳"、高度自治

                the policies of "one country, two systems," "the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong," "the people of Macao governing Macao," and a high degree of autonomy for both regions
              • 堅持“一國兩制”和推進(jìn)祖國統一

                “one country, two systems” and national reunification
              • ?"黑天鵝""灰犀牛"

                "black swans" and "gray rhinos"
              • 愛(ài)國統一戰線(xiàn)

                The patriotic united front
              • 加強領(lǐng)導班子建設和干部隊伍建設

                to strengthen leadership teams and the contingent of officials
              • 決不允許搞選擇性執法、任性執法

                Selective and arbitrary law enforcement is not allowed.
              • ?加強真抓實(shí)干的作風(fēng)建設

                to improve conduct to make solid and tangible efforts
              • 簡(jiǎn)政放權、放管結合、優(yōu)化服務(wù)改革 [“放、管、服”改革]

                To streamline the government, delegate power, and improve government services
              • 政務(wù)服務(wù)"好差評"制度

                to establish a government service evaluation system
              • 簡(jiǎn)政放權

                To streamline government and delegate powers
              • ?以公正客觀(guān)非選擇的方式處理人權問(wèn)題

                to address human rights issues in a fair, objective, and non-selective manner
              • 轉變政府職能

                To transform government functions
              • ?以黨的政治建設為統領(lǐng)

                to enhance our Party's political awareness as the overarching principle?to enhance our Party's political foundation building as the overarching principle to reinforce our Party's political foundations as the overarching principle
              • 機構和行政體制改革

                Reform of Party and government institutions and the system of government administration
              • ?打造改革開(kāi)放新高地

                to become pacesetters for reform and opening up
              • ?決不允許搞選擇性執法、任性執法

                Selective and arbitrary law enforcement is unacceptable.
              • 社會(huì )主義法治體系

                A system of socialist rule of law
              • 不要人夸顏色好,只留清氣滿(mǎn)乾坤

                Not bent on praise for its bright colors, but on leaving its fragrance to all.
              • 決不能"新官不理舊賬"

                New officials must continue to meet the commitment undertaken by their predecessors.
              • 中國特色社會(huì )主義法治道路

                ?The path of law-based governance under Chinese socialism
              • 生活之樹(shù)長(cháng)青。

                Forever green is the tree of life.
              • 友誼勛章

                The Friendship Medal
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