

              • 全面依法治國

                To advance law-based governance
              • 共和國勛章

                The Medal of the Republic
              • 重要戰略機遇期

                important period of strategic opportunity
              • 黨內民主

                Intra-Party democracy
              • ?站起來(lái)、富起來(lái)到強起來(lái)

                China has stood up, become prosperous and is growing strong.China has stood up, grown prosperous and is becoming strong.
              • 社會(huì )主義協(xié)商民主

                Socialist consultative democracy
              • 人民代表大會(huì )制度

                The system of people’s congresses
              • 黨的領(lǐng)導、人民當家作主、依法治國有機統一

                The unity of CPC leadership, people as the masters of the country, and law-based governance
              • 人民當家作主

                People as the masters of the country / Running of the country by the people / People have taken their fate into their own hands.
              • ?不獲全勝、決不收兵

                Never call retreat until a complete victory.
              • 國之重器

                national major projects
              • 人民是我們黨執政的最大底氣

                The people's support is the strongest foundation for our Party's governance.
              • ?共和國是紅色的

                The People's Republic has a revolutionary tradition.
              • ?新時(shí)代的長(cháng)征路

                Long March of the new era
              • ?小事不出村,大事不出鎮,矛盾不上交

                to settle minor problems in the villages, major ones in the towns, and not submitting them to higher-level authorities?
              • ?以黨章為根本遵循

                to regard the Party Constitution as the fundamental guideline
              • 黨對依法治國的領(lǐng)導

                the Party's leadership over law-based governance
              • ?《關(guān)于加強和改進(jìn)中央和國家機關(guān)黨的建設的意見(jiàn)》

                Opinions on strengthening and improving the Party development in central Party and state departments
              • ?改革開(kāi)放40周年

                the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up
              • ?人民主體地位

                the principal status of the peoplethe principal position of the people?the primacy of the people
              • ?學(xué)習本領(lǐng)是領(lǐng)導干部必須具備的第一位本領(lǐng)

                Learning ability is the top priority skill that leading officials must possess.
              • ?從嚴管黨治黨

                to conduct strict self-supervision and self-governance on the Party
              • 勇于自我革命

                to have the courage to carry out self-reform
              • 中華民族偉大復興的中國夢(mèng)

                Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation
              • ?深化政治巡視

                political inspection
              • "打虎""拍蠅""獵狐"

                "taking out tigers," "swatting flies," and "hunting down foxes"
              • 中國特色社會(huì )主義偉大事業(yè)

                great cause of Chinese socialism
              • ?贏(yíng)得反腐敗斗爭壓倒性勝利

                to secure a sweeping victory in the fight against corruption
              • ?中國特色社會(huì )主義法治道路

                the path of law-based governance under Chinese socialism
              • 法治國家、法治政府、法治社會(huì )一體建設

                to build a country, government, and society based on the rule of law
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