

              • ?完善科技創(chuàng )新體制機制

                to improve institutions and mechanisms for technological innovation
              • ?優(yōu)化國土空間布局,推進(jìn)區域協(xié)調發(fā)展和新型城鎮化

                to optimize the use of territorial space and coordinate regional development and urbanization
              • 舉旗幟、聚民心、育新人、興文化、展形象

                to uphold socialism, rally public support, foster a new generation with sound values and ethics, develop Chinese culture, and build a positive image of China
              • 鑄牢中華民族共同體意識

                to create a keen sense of identity of the Chinese nation
                to heighten a sense of identity of the Chinese nation
                to consolidate the sense of national identity
              • 社會(huì )主義核心價(jià)值觀(guān)

                the core socialist values
              • 統一戰線(xiàn)

                the united front
              • 國家監察體制改革

                reform of the national supervision system
              • 推進(jìn)國家治理體系和治理能力現代化

                to modernize the state governance system and capacity
                to modernize China's system and capacity for governance
              • 深化黨和國家機構改革

                further reform of Party and state institutions
              • 保持黨同人民群眾的血肉聯(lián)系

                to maintain the Party's close bond with the people
                to maintain close ties with the people
              • 人民主體地位

                the principal position/status of the people
              • 人民當家作主

                the people's position/status as masters of the country
                The people are the masters of the country.
              • 以人民為中心的發(fā)展思想

                the people-centered philosophy of development
              • 不忘初心、牢記使命

                to remain/stay true to the Party's original aspiration and founding mission
              • 全心全意為人民服務(wù)的根本宗旨

                the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly
                the principle of serving the people wholeheartedly
              • 立黨為公、執政為民

                (the Party's commitment to) building itself for the public good and exercising power for the people
                (the Party's commitment to) serving the public good and exercising power in the interests of the people
              • 黨的群眾路線(xiàn)

                our Party's mass line
              • 社會(huì )主義民主政治

                socialist democracy
              • 解放思想、實(shí)事求是、與時(shí)俱進(jìn)

                to free our minds, seek truth from facts, and move forward with the times
              • 馬克思列寧主義、毛澤東思想、鄧小平理論、“三個(gè)代表”重要思想、科學(xué)發(fā)展觀(guān)

                Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development
              • 中國化的馬克思主義、發(fā)展著(zhù)的馬克思主義

                dynamic Marxism adapted to the Chinese context
              • 當代中國馬克思主義、二十一世紀馬克思主義

                Marxism in contemporary China and the 21st century
              • 馬克思主義立場(chǎng)觀(guān)點(diǎn)方法

                Marxist stance, viewpoint and methodology
              • 馬克思主義在意識形態(tài)領(lǐng)域的指導地位

                the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field
                Marxism as the guiding ideology in China
              • 馬克思主義執政黨

                Marxist ruling/governing party
              • 中國特色社會(huì )主義理論體系

                the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics
              • 和平統一、一國兩制

                peaceful reunification and "one country, two systems" (One Country, Two Systems)
              • 基層群眾自治制度

                the system of community-level self-governance
                the system of grassroots self-governance
              • 民族區域自治制度

                the system of regional ethnic autonomy
              • 中國共產(chǎn)黨領(lǐng)導的多黨合作和政治協(xié)商制度

                the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC
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