

              • ?到二〇三五年基本實(shí)現社會(huì )主義現代化遠景目標

                China’s long-range goal of basically realizing socialist modernization by 2035
              • ?改革開(kāi)放邁出新步伐

                to further reform and opening up
              • ?構建國土空間開(kāi)發(fā)保護新格局

                to form a new approach to the use and protection of territorial space
              • ?國家治理效能得到新提升

                more effective state governance
              • ?加快國防和軍隊現代化,實(shí)現富國和強軍相統一

                to expedite defense and military modernization and build a prosperous country defended by a strong military
              • ?加快數字化發(fā)展

                to speed up digitalization
              • ?加快推動(dòng)綠色低碳發(fā)展

                to expedite green and low-carbon development
              • ?加快轉變政府職能

                to accelerate the transformation of government functions
              • ?加強黨中央集中統一領(lǐng)導

                to reinforce the centralized, unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee
              • ?加強國家安全體系和能力建設

                to enhance national security and boost security capacity
              • ?加強和創(chuàng )新社會(huì )治理

                to create and improve new forms of social governance
              • ?堅持創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)發(fā)展,全面塑造發(fā)展新優(yōu)勢

                to pursue innovation-driven development and build strong new economic pillars
              • ?堅持黨的全面領(lǐng)導

                to uphold overall leadership by the CPC
              • ?堅持深化改革開(kāi)放

                to continue reform and opening up
              • ?堅持系統觀(guān)念

                to take a systematic approach to overall development
              • ?堅持新發(fā)展理念

                to follow the new development philosophy
              • ?堅持以人民為中心

                to pursue a people-centered approach to development
              • ?健全規劃制定和落實(shí)機制

                to introduce sound mechanisms for formulating and implementing the Plan
              • ?決勝全面建成小康社會(huì )取得決定性成就

                China's defining achievements in completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects
              • ?全黨全國各族人民團結起來(lái),為實(shí)現“十四五”規劃和二〇三五年遠景目標而奮斗

                the whole Party and the whole nation uniting as one to accomplish the tasks set in the 14th Five-Year Plan and the long-range goals for 2035
              • 全面建成小康社會(huì ),開(kāi)啟全面建設社會(huì )主義現代化國家新征程

                to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and embark on a new journey toward a modern socialist country
              • ?全面提高資源利用效率

                to increase efficient resource utilization
              • ?全面推進(jìn)健康中國建設

                to advance the Healthy China initiative
              • ?實(shí)行高水平對外開(kāi)放,開(kāi)拓合作共贏(yíng)新局面

                to open up at a higher level and expand win-win cooperation
              • ?提高國防和軍隊現代化質(zhì)量效益

                to upgrade the quality and efficiency of defense and military modernization
              • ?提高社會(huì )文明程度

                to elevate civility in the public sphere
              • ?統籌發(fā)展和安全,建設更高水平的平安中國

                to coordinate development and security and build a Peaceful China on a higher level
              • ?推進(jìn)兩岸關(guān)系和平發(fā)展和祖國統一

                to promote peaceful cross-Straits relations and national reunification
              • ?推進(jìn)社會(huì )主義政治建設

                to advance socialist political progress
              • ?推進(jìn)以人為核心的新型城鎮化

                to advance people-centered urbanization
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