

              • ?攜號轉網(wǎng)

                Mobile phone subscribers do not need to change their phone numbers when switching carriers.to switch carriers without changing cell phone numbers
              • 總體國家安全觀(guān)

                A holistic approach to national security
              • ?小規模納稅人

                small-scale taxpayers
              • 平安中國

                A safe and secure China
              • 智慧社會(huì )

                Smart society
              • 共建共治共享的社會(huì )治理格局

                A social governance model based on collaboration, participation, and common interests
              • 健康中國戰略

                Healthy China initiative
              • 沒(méi)有貧困的人類(lèi)命運共同體

                A poverty-free global community of shared future
              • 南南合作

                South-South Cooperation
              • ?持續為基層減負

                to constantly lower burdens at the community level
              • 聯(lián)合國千年發(fā)展目標

                UN Millennium Development Goals
              • ?把資源真正用到發(fā)展經(jīng)濟和改善民生上來(lái)

                to genuinely utilize resources in developing the economy and improving people's livelihood
              • 生態(tài)保護扶貧

                Ecological conservation for poverty alleviation
              • 人民的獲得感、幸福感、安全感

                people's sense of gain, happiness, and security
              • 教育扶貧

                Poverty alleviation through education
              • 光伏扶貧

                Photovoltage projects for poverty alleviation
              • ?改革土地管理制度

                to reform the land management system
              • 產(chǎn)業(yè)扶貧

                Poverty alleviation through creating new businesses?
              • 扶貧同扶志扶智結合

                Poverty alleviation through increasing people’s confidence and helping them acquire knowledge and skills
              • 內生動(dòng)力

                Internal impetus for poverty elimination
              • 開(kāi)發(fā)式扶貧

                Development-driven poverty alleviation
              • ?養老保險全國統籌

                to bring pension schemes under national unified management
              • 最嚴格的考核評估

                Strictest review and evaluation of poverty elimination
              • 最嚴格的考核評估

                Strictest review and evaluation of poverty elimination
              • 扶貧領(lǐng)域腐敗和作風(fēng)問(wèn)題專(zhuān)項治理

                Rectification of corruption and misconduct in poverty alleviation
              • 第三方評估機制

                Third party evaluation
              • 陽(yáng)光扶貧

                ?Transparency in poverty alleviation
              • “繡花功夫”

                “Being meticulous like doing embroidery”
              • 中央統籌、省總負責、市縣抓落實(shí)

                A working mechanism whereby the central leadership makes overall plans, provincial authorities take overall responsibility, and city and county authorities ensure implementation
              • 脫貧攻堅責任書(shū)

                Poverty elimination pledges
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