

              • ?易地扶貧搬遷專(zhuān)項貸款

                special loans for relocating impoverished people from inhospitable areas (to places with better economic prospects)
              • ?因村因戶(hù)因人施策,對癥下藥、精準滴灌、靶向治療,扶貧扶到點(diǎn)上扶到根上。

                We adopt targeted measures for different villages, households and individuals according to their specific conditions, so that we can address the root causes of poverty.
              • ?用人民群眾的內生動(dòng)力支撐脫貧攻堅

                to support poverty alleviation by motivating the people to better themselves
              • ?中國特色脫貧攻堅制度體系

                a system of poverty alleviation with Chinese characteristics
              • ?中央單位定點(diǎn)扶貧

                assistance for targeted poor areas from central Party and government departments
              • ?專(zhuān)項扶貧資金

                special poverty alleviation funds
              • ?改善人民生活品質(zhì),提高社會(huì )建設水平

                to improve living standards and social programs
              • ?健全多層次社會(huì )保障體系

                to build a sound multi-tier social security system
              • ?決勝全面建成小康社會(huì )取得決定性成就

                China's defining achievements in completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects
              • ?民生福祉達到新水平

                improvement in the people's wellbeing
              • ?強化就業(yè)優(yōu)先政策

                to follow the Employment First policy
              • ?實(shí)施積極應對人口老齡化國家戰略

                to implement a state strategy in active response to population aging
              • ?實(shí)施鄉村建設行動(dòng)

                to implement the rural development initiative
              • ?提高人民收入水平

                to increase incomes
              • ?提升公共文化服務(wù)水平

                to improve public cultural services
              • 人的全面發(fā)展

                well-rounded personal development
              • 全體人民共同富裕

                shared prosperity for everyone
                common prosperity for all
              • 人民日益增長(cháng)的美好生活需要

                the ever-growing expectation of the people for a better life
                the people's growing expectation for a better life
              • 實(shí)施積極應對人口老齡化國家戰略

                Implementing a state strategy in active response to population aging
              • 全面推進(jìn)健康中國建設

                Advancing the Healthy China initiative
              • 健全多層次社會(huì )保障體系

                Building a sound multi-tier social security system
              • 建設高質(zhì)量教育體系

                Developing a high-quality education system
              • 強化就業(yè)優(yōu)先政策

                Following the Employment First policy
              • 提高人民收入水平

                Increasing incomes
              • 實(shí)現鞏固拓展脫貧攻堅成果同鄉村振興有效銜接

                Advancing poverty alleviation to help achieve rural revitalization
              • 深化農村改革

                Carrying out deeper rural reform
              • 實(shí)施鄉村建設行動(dòng)

                Implementing the rural development initiative
              • 提高農業(yè)質(zhì)量效益和競爭力

                Improving the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture
              • 中華民族迎來(lái)了從站起來(lái)、富起來(lái)到強起來(lái)的偉大飛躍是中國人民奮斗出來(lái)的!

                The endeavor of the Chinese people has led to a tremendous transformation of the Chinese nation: It has stood up, become better off and grown in strength.
              • 人民是我們黨執政的最大底氣,是我們共和國的堅實(shí)根基,是我們強黨興國的根本所在。

                The people are our Party's greatest strength in governance. They are the solid base of our republic, and the foundation of a well-built Party and a prosperous nation.
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