

              • ?構建全媒體傳播格局

                to build an all-media communication pattern
              • 推動(dòng)媒體融合發(fā)展

                to promote integrated media development
              • ?全媒體傳播體系

                all-media communication system
              • ?堅持以明德引領(lǐng)風(fēng)尚

                to guide social morality with good virtues?to guide social conduct with good virtues
              • 堅持以精品奉獻人民

                to present top-notch works for the people
              • ?堅持與時(shí)代同步伐

                to keep pace with the times
              • ?為時(shí)代畫(huà)像、為時(shí)代立傳、為時(shí)代明德

                to depict our times, record our times, and promote values of our times
              • ?一切成就都歸功于人民,一切榮耀都歸屬于人民

                All achievements are attributed to the people, and all glory belongs to the people.
              • 全媒體

              • 多媒體

              • 融媒體

                Integrated media
              • 新媒體

                New media
              • 文化惠民工程

                Cultural programs in the public interest
              • “我將無(wú)我,不負人民。”

                To fully commit to the people and never fail them
              • “兩岸一家親”

                People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are of the same family.
              • 大道至簡(jiǎn)

                ?Great truths are always simple.
              • 治大國若烹小鮮

                Governing a large state is like cooking a small fish -- must be handled with great care.
              • 右玉精神

                The spirit of forestation in Youyu County
              • 工匠精神

                The spirit of craftsmanship
              • 小崗精神

                The spirit of reform in Xiaogang Village
              • 改革創(chuàng )新精神

                The spirit of reform and innovation
              • 企業(yè)家精神

                The spirit of entrepreneurship
              • 釘釘子精神

                The spirit of perseverance
              • 愛(ài)國主義精神

                The patriotic spirit
              • 莫高精神

                The cultural pursuit of scholars at Mogao Grottoes
              • 塞罕壩精神

                The afforestation by generations on Saihanba Highland
              • 抗震救災精神

                The spirit of disaster relief
              • 青藏鐵路精神

                The spirit of the Qinghai-Tibet railway builders
              • 載人航天精神

                The spirit of the manned space program
              • 抗擊非典精神

                The persistence in combating SARS
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