

              • 綠色發(fā)展

              • 藍天保衛戰

                To make China’s skies blue again
              • 污染防治攻堅戰

                Protection against pollution
              • 建設美麗中國

                To build a beautiful China
              • 生態(tài)文明體制改革

                Reform of the eco-civilization system
              • 生態(tài)文明理念

                The concept of eco-civilization
              • 社會(huì )主義生態(tài)文明觀(guān)

                A socialist approach to eco-civilization
              • 可持續發(fā)展戰略

                Strategy for sustainable development
              • 人與自然和諧共生

                Harmony between humanity and nature
              • “綠水青山就是金山銀山”

                “Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.”
              • 習近平生態(tài)文明思想

                Xi Jinping thought on eco-civilization
              • 生態(tài)環(huán)境部應急辦

                Emergency Management Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment
              • 竹鼠

                bamboo rat
              • 有害垃圾

                hazardous waste
              • 野味

                bushmeat; game
              • badger
              • 果子貍

                masked palm civet
              • 蝙蝠

              • 醫療垃圾處理

                medical waste disposal
              • 醫療廢物日產(chǎn)日清

                to ensure that medical waste is treated within 24 hours
              • 醫療廢物處置能力

                medical waste disposal capacity
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