
              黨的十九屆五中全會(huì )重點(diǎn)語(yǔ)匯英譯參考
              • 健全規劃制定和落實(shí)機制

                Introducing sound mechanisms for formulating and implementing the Plan
              • 積極營(yíng)造良好外部環(huán)境

                Working for a favorable external environment
              • 推進(jìn)兩岸關(guān)系和平發(fā)展和祖國統一

                Promoting peaceful cross-Straits relations and national reunification
              • 保持香港、澳門(mén)長(cháng)期繁榮穩定

                Maintaining lasting prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao
              • 推進(jìn)社會(huì )主義政治建設

                Advancing socialist political progress
              • 加強黨中央集中統一領(lǐng)導

                Reinforcing the centralized, unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee
              • 促進(jìn)國防實(shí)力和經(jīng)濟實(shí)力同步提升

                Building up defense capability in step with economic strengths
              • 提高國防和軍隊現代化質(zhì)量效益

                Upgrading the quality and efficiency of defense and military modernization
              • 維護社會(huì )穩定和安全

                Ensuring social stability and public safety
              • 保障人民生命安全

                Protecting people's lives
              • 確保國家經(jīng)濟安全

                Ensuring national economic security
              • 加強國家安全體系和能力建設

                Enhancing national security and building security capacity
              • 加強和創(chuàng )新社會(huì )治理

                Creating and improving new ways of social governance
              • 實(shí)施積極應對人口老齡化國家戰略

                Implementing a state strategy in active response to population aging
              • 全面推進(jìn)健康中國建設

                Advancing the Healthy China initiative
              • 健全多層次社會(huì )保障體系

                Building a sound multi-tier social security system
              • 建設高質(zhì)量教育體系

                Developing a high-quality education system
              • 強化就業(yè)優(yōu)先政策

                Following the Employment First policy
              • 提高人民收入水平

                Increasing incomes
              • 積極參與全球經(jīng)濟治理體系改革

                Active participation in the reform of global economic governance
              • 推動(dòng)共建“一帶一路”高質(zhì)量發(fā)展

                Promoting high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative
              • 建設更高水平開(kāi)放型經(jīng)濟新體制

                Building an open economy on a higher level
              • 全面提高資源利用效率

                Increasing efficient resource utilization
              • 提升生態(tài)系統質(zhì)量和穩定性

                Enhancing the quality and stability of ecosystems
              • 持續改善環(huán)境質(zhì)量

                Continuing to improve the quality of the environment
              • 加快推動(dòng)綠色低碳發(fā)展

                Expediting green and low-carbon development
              • 健全現代文化產(chǎn)業(yè)體系

                Building a sound system of modern cultural industries
              • 提升公共文化服務(wù)水平

                Improving public cultural services
              • 提高社會(huì )文明程度

                Elevating civility in the public sphere
              • 推進(jìn)以人為核心的新型城鎮化

                Advancing people-centered urbanization
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