
              • ?各族人民對美好生活的向往

                the yearning of people of all ethnic groups for a better life
              • ?掃黑除惡專(zhuān)項斗爭

                a campaign to combat organized crime and root out local bullies
              • ?覆蓋全社會(huì )的征信體系

                a credit system covering all citizens
              • ?完善空間治理

                to improve spatial governance
              • ?包容和諧增強社會(huì )凝聚力

                Inclusiveness and harmony enhance social unity.
              • ?雙層式社會(huì )保障制度

                two-tier social security system
              • ?改革完善中醫藥管理體制機制

                to reform and improve the management system and mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine
              • ?促進(jìn)中醫藥傳承和開(kāi)放創(chuàng )新發(fā)展

                to support the preservation, opening up, innovation, and development of traditional Chinese medicine
              • ?加強中醫藥人才隊伍建設

                to build a contingent of professionals of traditional Chinese medicine
              • ?保工資、保運轉、保基本民生

                to guarantee payment of salaries, normal operation of grassroots government, and the basic wellbeing of the peopleto give priorities to salary payment, smooth functioning of grassroots government, and the basic wellbeing of the people
              • ?問(wèn)題聯(lián)治、工作聯(lián)動(dòng)、平安聯(lián)創(chuàng )

                joint efforts in addressing problems, coordinating relevant initiatives, and maintaining social order
              • ?社會(huì )保持穩定和諧

                to maintain stability and harmony in society
              • ?接訴即辦

                prompt handling of public complaints?
              • ?城鄉用地增減掛鉤

                to link newly added cropland quotas with the amount of land used for urban and rural construction
              • ?"證照分離"

                a separation of operation permit and business license
              • ?堅決守住人民群眾生命健康的防線(xiàn)

                to resolutely safeguard the lives and health of the people
              • ??"大班額"

                oversized school classes
              • ?攜號轉網(wǎng)

                Mobile phone subscribers do not need to change their phone numbers when switching carriers.to switch carriers without changing cell phone numbers
              • ?小規模納稅人

                small-scale taxpayers
              • ?持續為基層減負

                to constantly lower burdens at the community level
              • ?把資源真正用到發(fā)展經(jīng)濟和改善民生上來(lái)

                to genuinely utilize resources in developing the economy and improving people's livelihood
              • 人民的獲得感、幸福感、安全感

                people's sense of gain, happiness, and security
              • ?改革土地管理制度

                to reform the land management system
              • ?養老保險全國統籌

                to bring pension schemes under national unified management
              • ?人才振興

                talent revitalization
              • ?產(chǎn)業(yè)興旺、生態(tài)宜居、鄉風(fēng)文明、治理有效、生活富裕

                to build rural areas with thriving businesses, pleasant living environment, social etiquette and civility, effective governance, and prosperity
              • ?社會(huì )治安防控體系

                the system for maintaining public order
              • ?新時(shí)代"楓橋經(jīng)驗"

                the Fengqiao model in promoting social harmony in the new era
              • ?基層社會(huì )治理新格局

                a new model of community-level governance
              • ?賦予地方更多自主權

                More authority should be delegated to local governments.
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