
              • ?保障黃河長(cháng)治久安

                to keep the Yellow River harnessed
              • ?推進(jìn)水資源節約集約利用

                to promote the economical and intensive utilization of water resources
              • ?綠色發(fā)展人人有責,貴在行動(dòng)、成在堅持

                We all -- each and every one of us -- have a responsibility for green development. Its entire success hinges on our commitment and actions.
              • ?打贏(yíng)藍天保衛戰

                to make our skies blue again
              • ?打好污染防治攻堅戰

                to win the battle of pollution prevention and control
              • ?加大生態(tài)系統保護力度

                to strengthen ecosystem protection
              • ?保持加強生態(tài)文明建設的戰略定力

                to maintain the strategic focus on developing eco-civilization
              • ?防治土地荒漠化 推動(dòng)綠色發(fā)展

                to combat desertification and promote green development
              • ?綠色發(fā)展理念

                the vision of green development
              • ?全球生態(tài)文明

                global endeavor for eco-civilization
              • ?熱愛(ài)自然情懷

                a philosophy that cares for nature
              • ?改善生態(tài)環(huán)境就是發(fā)展生產(chǎn)力

                Environmental improvement means greater productivity.
              • ?能源消費雙控制度

                to control the total amount and intensity of energy consumption
              • ?建立以國家公園為主體的自然保護地體系

                to build a nature reserves system centering on national parks
              • ?高度重視海洋生態(tài)文明建設

                to develop marine eco-civilization?
              • ?實(shí)現海洋資源有序開(kāi)發(fā)利用

                orderly development and utilization of marine resources
              • ?加強海洋環(huán)境污染防治

                to strengthen prevention and control of marine pollution
              • ?保護海洋生物多樣性

                to protect marine biodiversity
              • ?藍色伙伴關(guān)系

                blue partnership
              • ?生態(tài)環(huán)境保護責任制度

                an accountability system for eco-environmental protection?
              • ?國家公園保護制度

                a national park system?
              • ?生態(tài)保護和修復制度

                a system for ecological conservation and restoration?
              • ?垃圾分類(lèi)和資源化利用制度

                a system for waste sorting and recycling?
              • ?資源高效利用制度

                a system for efficient utilization of resources?
              • ?生態(tài)環(huán)境損害賠償制度

                an eco-indemnity system?
              • ?生態(tài)振興

                ecological revitalization
              • ?山水林田湖草一體化保護和修復

                a holistic approach to protecting and restoring mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands?
              • ?主體功能區制度

                a functional zoning system
              • ?節約優(yōu)先、保護優(yōu)先、自然恢復為主

                principles of prioritizing resource conservation and environmental protection and promoting self-restoration of natureprinciples of prioritizing resource conservation and environmental protection, and letting nature restore itself
              • ?萬(wàn)九公屋

                public housing project of Macao
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