
              • 對中國人民生命安全和身體健康負責,也是在為世界公共衛生事業(yè)作貢獻

                to act responsibly in protecting the safety and health of its people, and contribute to safeguarding global public health
              • 向其他出現疫情擴散的國家和地區提供力所能及的援助

                to provide assistance within our capacity to other countries and regions affected by the pandemic.
              • ?道不遠人,人無(wú)異國

                Great distance cannot separate us;
                We all live in a united world.
              • 尼蓮正東流,西樹(shù)幾春秋

                By the Holy Lotus River
                Where pure gold flows east.
                Looking back to the western shore
                At Buddha's sacred grove for many thousands of autumns.
              • 豈曰無(wú)衣,與子同裳

                Fear not the want of armor, for mine is also yours to wear.
                或Together we stand, my armors thine.
              • 青山一道,共擔風(fēng)雨

                Great distance cannot separate us;
                We all live in a united world.
              • 山川異域,風(fēng)月同天

                While mountains and rivers separate us, we enjoy the same moonlight under the same sky.
                或Miles apart but close at heart.
              • 身若伏波,與子同海,若為落木,與子同枝,若為蘭草,與子同室

                We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden
              • 投我以木桃,報之以瓊瑤

                You throw a peach to me, I give you a white jade for friendship.
                或You toss me a peach, I give you a white jade in return.
              • 團結定能勝利

                United we shall overcome.
              • ?團結就是力量

                Unity is strength.
              • 亞當子孫皆兄弟,兄弟猶如手足親

                The sons of Adam are limbs of one, having been created of one essence.
              • 疫情無(wú)國界,人間有真情

                Virus knows no borders, but the worst of times reveals the best in people.
              • 負責任大國

                a responsible major country
              • 各國應該聯(lián)手加大宏觀(guān)政策對沖力度

                Countries need to leverage and coordinate their macro policies to counteract the negative impact.
              • (向其他國家)提供抗疫物資

                to offer supplies in support of the fight against the pandemic
              • 避免使某個(gè)國家或特定群體蒙受污名

                to avoid stigmatizing a country or particular group
              • 采取最全面、最嚴格、最徹底的防控舉措

                to take the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough measures
              • 打好新冠肺炎疫情防控全球阻擊戰

                to fight an all-out global war against COVID-19
              • 打造人類(lèi)衛生健康共同體

                to build a global community of health
              • 分享病毒基因序列

                to share the genetic sequence of the virus
              • 呼吁采取緊急的、積極的行動(dòng)

                to call for urgent and aggressive action
              • 及時(shí)同國際社會(huì )分享信息

                timely sharing of information with the international community
              • 加強國家間政策協(xié)調

                to enhance policy coordination between countries
              • 減免關(guān)稅、取消壁壘、暢通貿易

                to cut tariffs, remove barriers, and facilitate the flow of trade
              • 盡力阻止疫情跨境傳播

                to prevent the epidemic from spreading across borders; to minimize cross-border spread
              • 開(kāi)展國際聯(lián)防聯(lián)控

                to make a collective response for control and treatment at the international level
              • 凝聚起戰勝疫情的強大合力

                to form strong synergies to beat the pandemic
              • 區域公共衛生應急聯(lián)絡(luò )機制

                regional emergency liaison mechanisms
              • ?全球公共衛生安全

                global public health security
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