
              ? 海洋經(jīng)濟

              ? 海洋強國


              ? 海洋經(jīng)濟

              the marine economy

              ? 海洋強國

              a strong maritime nation

              例句:海洋經(jīng)濟發(fā)展前途無(wú)量。建設海洋強國,必須進(jìn)一步關(guān)心海洋、認識海洋、經(jīng)略海洋,加快海洋科技創(chuàng )新步伐。(摘自習近平在山東考察時(shí)的講話(huà),2018年6月12日—14日)

              譯文:The marine economy has a boundless future. To build China into a strong maritime nation, we must take good care of, further understand, and manage the ocean, and facilitate innovation in marine science and technology. (from the speech during a visit to Shandong Province, June 12-14, 2018) 


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