



              dynamic Marxism adapted to the Chinese context

              例句:我國國家制度和國家治理體系之所以具有多方面的顯著(zhù)優(yōu)勢,很重要的一點(diǎn)就在于我們黨在長(cháng)期實(shí)踐探索中,堅持把馬克思主義基本原理同中國具體實(shí)際相結合,把開(kāi)拓正確道路、發(fā)展科學(xué)理論、建設有效制度有機統一起來(lái),用中國化的馬克思主義、發(fā)展著(zhù)的馬克思主義指導國家制度和國家治理體系建設,不斷深化對共產(chǎn)黨執政規律、社會(huì )主義建設規律、人類(lèi)社會(huì )發(fā)展規律的認識,及時(shí)把成功的實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗轉化為制度成果,使我國國家制度和國家治理體系既體現了科學(xué)社會(huì )主義基本原則,又具有鮮明的中國特色、民族特色、時(shí)代特色。

              ——摘自習近平在中共十九屆四中全會(huì )第二次全體會(huì )議上的講話(huà),2019年10月31日

              譯文:One of the factors crucial to the strengths of our state and governance systems is that our Party, over many years, has combined Marxism with China's actual conditions, and integrated its efforts to open up the right path, develop sound theories and establish effective systems. The CPC has guided the development of the state and governance systems with dynamic Marxism adapted to the Chinese context. The Party works to improve its understanding of the inner rules behind its governance, the development of socialism, and the evolution of human society. The results of our success in practice are institutionalized in a timely manner. All these efforts enable our state and governance systems to embody the basic principles of scientific socialism and manifest distinct features of our nation and our times. 

              – from the speech at the second full assembly of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, October 31, 2019


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